
My name is Nathaniel Budijono.

I’m a life-long autodidact and recent graduate. I studied computer science and math at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Right now, I am a data scientist doing machine learning for education at Infinite Campus. In the future, I hope to be an interdisciplinary computational researcher using computational structural biology or computational chemistry to create technologies for health or the climate.

In the past, I have worked as a software engineer intern at Rally Health and AI research intern at Smart Information Flow Technologies. I spent time researching genetic interaction networks, the linguistics of incels, and automated AI balancing of auto battler games. You can view my CV here and my résumé here.

Aside from learning, I am passionate about STEM communication. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I created the websites for the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers and App Developers Club at my university. At both, I led workshops, mentoring groups, and projects to learn machine learning, control systems, and web programming. I am helped make biotech start-ups more accessible with the NucleateDojo (formerly BioDojo). You’re visiting my personal site, where I blog about STEM topics by explaining them in a way I have not seen anywhere else on the internet, whether it be by using custom animations, interactive demos, and/or an interesting application.

If you’ve read this far, please write to me through email or Twitter. I am always excited to connect with people!